Social Responsibility Policy

The Premium Tobacco Group strives to reduce the amount of emissions that it creates and through regular checks by third party assessors, measuring emissions from the Group factories. With ongoing investment into energy efficient machinery, boiler efficiency and direct drive motors. This is to ensure that they are in line with national standards or international standards where possible.

All Group companies are committed to behaving responsibly in all areas of its business.

The Group believes that its success will, fundamentally be determined, but not limited to, by how it behaves towards its workforce, business partners, communities and environment in which it operate. The Group strives to be an industry leader in all activities and engagements carried out in its daily business.

The Group will continue to endeavour in ensuring that good agricultural practices are maintained by its growers and associations, including soil conservation, reforestation, seed variety selection, fertiliser and pesticide application and Non-Tobacco Related Material (NTRM) in an effort to maximise efficiency.

It is equally committed to maintain high national standards and where possible International Standards are applied. With specific focus on Processing, Agronomy Practises, Post-Harvest Practices, Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG), and Social Issues.

The Group is an organisation committed to Social Responsibility (SR). This is done through:

  • Compliance with National & Local Environmental, Labour Rights Occupational Health and Safety Legislation applicable to relevant areas of operation.
  • Development and implementation of Social Responsibility Programmes (SRP) which are monitored and measured.
  • Ensuring that good agricultural practices are maintained by growers and their associations, including but not limited to, soil conservation, preservation of the natural environment and forestry, seed variety and selection, application of Crop Protection Agents. Achieve this through continual monitoring, surveying, engagement and training.
  • Promote the preservation of indigenous forests by improving Post-Harvest efficiency techniques in line with more sustainable source of curing fuels.
  • Through the transfer of knowledge, training and best practises strive to improve the safety and working conditions of its employees and contracted suppliers.
  • With a firm commitment not to recruit children below legal age stipulated by law in any areas of our operations; or support the recruitment by our suppliers or contractors. And promote the elimination of child and forced labour.
  • A commitment to customer or third party compliancy requirements with an objective for continual improvement.
  • Ensuring contractors and suppliers comply with the Group’s ESG policies. Continue to be an equal opportunity employer and will strive to create an inspiring environment for our stakeholders and employees.
  • Provide a safe and healthy environment for all employees and non-employees in all its areas of operation.
  • Commitment to making reductions in emission and improved efficiencies in its processing facility.
  • Take the coordinated support from the Group Social Responsibility Manager in formulating, advising the company on relevant aspects of SRP.
  • Revision and amendments to the policy will be done every two years or sooner if needed.