Labour practices

The Premium Tobacco Group and all its operating companies are committed to behaving responsibly in all facets of it business. The Group believes its success will fundamentally be determined, but not limited to, how it works with its employees, business partners, communities and the environment on which it operates in. The Group strives to be an industry leader in all activities and engagements carried out in its daily business.

The Group has adopted a global human rights policy prohibiting the use of child labour anywhere in the supply chain and that hazardous work for children under 18 is prohibited.

We aim to apply the best international standards of practice in all aspects of its operations which relate to the health and safety of its employees at work and non-company personnel on group premises.

The Premium Group and all its operating companies (The Company) are committed to recognise and maintain Child Labour employment guidelines as stated in (International Labour Organisation) ILO Convention No. 138 and Recommendation No 146, 1973, ILO Convention No 182, and Recommendation No 190, 1999. This policy’s commitment and integrity is upheld through:

  1. Engagement with stakeholders in the effort to eradicate Child Labour. As well as supporting and endorsing through membership/participation/funding of organisations that works towards the eradication of child labour and the promotion of education.
  2. The company will not employ any children as defined by ILO Convention No. 138 on the minimum age for admission to employment of  1973 and ILO Recommendation No. 146. This is a commitment the company applies throughout the supply chain, from tobacco production, provision of materials, distribution and sale of processed tobaccos, as well as to the recovery and disposal of waste materials. The Company recognises that… ‘not all work done by children should be classified as child labour that is to be targeted for elimination.
  3. Children’s or adolescents’ participation in work that does not affect their health and personal development or interfere with their schooling, is generally regarded as being something positive. This includes activities such as helping their parents around the home, assisting in a family business or earning pocket money outside school hours and during school holidays. These kinds of activities contribute to children’s development and to the welfare of their families; they provide them with skills and experience, and help to prepare them to be productive members of society during their adult life.’ [International Labour Organisation].
  4. Any hazardous work for children under 18 is prohibited, including any work in which children have direct contact with tobacco in any form.

Nevertheless, the company aims to apply commitment and principles to contracted leaf growers by education through its field extension service, seeking to ensure that:

  • The welfare and health & safety of children are paramount at all times.
  • In accordance with 1973 ILO Convention 138, Article 7, paragraph 1 and 2, employment of ‘light’ work will be recognised as any form of farm practice including tobacco growing activities undertaken by children for the development of craft skills, do not conflict with or impede their proper educational development including school attendance.
  • As matter of ensuring its compliance with this Child Labour policy, The Company will carry out periodical surveys and monitoring reviews. These will be conducted throughout the season on an unannounced basis. In areas of non-conformance, the appropriated actions will be taken after thorough investigation into the case and official warning to the violator(s).

This policy statement will be reviewed periodically by the board, and amended when deemed suitable or appropriate.

Please visit the ECLT website at

Premium is a proud member of the Elimination of Child Labour (ECLT), a Geneva based foundation that is committed to eliminating child labour in tobacco growing communities. The foundation operates in mist of the tobacco growing area of the world, with a focus on developing African and Asian countries.

ECLT collaborates with local stakeholders, local and national governments, farmers, tobacco companies, NGO’s and the ILO inactive country-level interventions and policy and advocacy work with governments.

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The Premium Group and all its operating companies (The Company) follows the principles of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and aims to apply the best standards of practice in all aspects of its operations which relate to the use, storage and handling of Crop Protection Agents (CPA).

  • CPA refers to pesticides, insecticides, nematicides, fungicides, herbicides or compounds of a similar nature, which are applied in the field.
  • The policy of the Company is to liaise with all relevant country Tobacco Control Associations and advise them on all CPA’s that have been approved and/or registered by relevant certifying bodies for use in tobacco cultivation.
  • Over and above national and international regulations the use of CORESTA Guidance Residue Levels (GRL) are used and applied as a strict guideline to determine CPA residue levels.
  • Through contractual clauses all contracted growers to the Company must comply with the use of recommended CPA in order to the supplier contract.
  • Publications of approved, banned and recommended chemicals are provided by local country management and extension /agronomy staff to all suppliers for referrals.
  • Where possible or deemed necessary tests of CPA chemical composition is conducted through the arrangements by local country management and extension /agronomy staff.
  • Through training and monitoring by local management and extension/agronomy staff, all chemicals will be stored, handled and applied in conformity with the recommendations of the manufacturer, local laws and regulations or those demanded by our customers.
  • It is the responsibility of local management to take ownership of the management of this policy.
  • This policy will be reviewed on a continuous basis and amended accordingly if deemed necessary.

The Premium Group and all its operating companies (The Company) aim to apply the best international standards of practice in all aspects of its operations which relate to the health and safety of its employees at work and non-company personnel on company premises. The Company recognises the paramount importance of the health and safety of all employees and non-company personnel in the successful conduct of our business. The Company is therefore committed to the prevention of injury and ill-health for continual improvement in our health and safety management and performance. This could be achieved by:

  • Monitor and measure of its operating plants and make sure its work condition meets all national standards e.g. Relevant national Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Acts, and other relating laws along with SRTP safety standards.
  • Provide imperative and essential health and safety related training to all its employees and relating personnel both at operating plant or in the field e.g. first aid training, firefighting and evacuation training, driving safety training, PPE usage and maintenance training, CPA handling, GTS, and etc.
  • Continue to improve health and safety issues through risk assessment and aim to minimise the risk.
  • Provide safe and sanitary work environment and make sure that all Company’s providing welfare is clean and safe e.g. clean drinking water, clean and healthy food, and clean and safe accommodation (when provided to the employees e.g. when working upcountry).

All The Company’s employees and visitors regardless of their level in the organisation must take responsible care of the health and safety themselves and others whilst performing Company’s work or visiting Company regardless of venue and cooperate fully with Company’s health and safety related matters.

This policy statement, its commitments and implementing measures, will be kept under review by the Safety Committee and updated as appropriate to ensure that our objectives are achieved. Any revision will be published by Company and brought to the notice of all employees and other relevant personnel.